Tidy Start Menu 3.4 will help you classify and display all your start menu programs by dragging and dropping them in a set of preconfigured categories. This is something you can accomplish by yourself if you know where and how to put the shortcuts.
At the begining using it or if you dont wish to spend money on it, the only categories available are: Office, Utilities, Games, Entertaiment, Internet, Programing, Graphics, Security and Others.The program will let you choose between two modes to classify your programs:
1. Simple Mode: This mode will display all programs, you should select them by placing a checkmark on the program name and then select the category
2. Explorer Mode: As name means, an explorer interface that will allow you to drag and drop your program folder into one of the preconfigure categories.
Tidy Start Menu is compatible with Windows 2000, Xp, 2003 and Vista, it comes in two flavors, a freeware version that includes the core functionality and a commercial version that adds the ability to create your own categories, change start menu icons and uninstall a program directly from the start menu.
I would recommend you to stick to the free version or learn how to add your owns categories manually.